After a colder than usual March, it looks like the weather is finally heating up just in time for our Easter fishing report! Fishing was limited at the beginning of the week due to high winds and unseasonably cold temperatures. The water temperature actually dropped a degree or two, which isn’t highly unusual but not exactly the most favorable conditions either. But the sun is out again and clear skies and calm winds have made for some favorable fishing over the last 2-3 days. If the warming trend continues, which it should, we’ll be seeing more Cobia and spanish mackerel catches in the coming weeks.
Meanwhile, sheephead continue to make their way into the docks in droves. The bait of choice is live shrimp and it’s getting harder to find them at the local bait stores as everyone loads up for their fishing trips. Here’s a photo of one of yesterday’s catches with Captain Jason…would you look at the size of those sheephead!
Sheepshead and Redfish
Amberjack, vermillion and white snapper, and triggerfish are also biting. Here’s a photo of one of our groups that went out with Captain Eddie and loaded up on some of those (along with some porgy and rockfish).
triggerfish, vermillion snapper, white snapper, porgy, and rockfish
The word on the docks, from listening to the captains’ reports, is that you practically have to fight the red snapper off they are so thick, but, unfortunately, it’ll be June before red snapper season opens. (Official dates are still undecided, but we’ll let you know when we get the word.)
If you’d like to get in on the action, be sure to book a fishing charter with one of our captains or, for the more experienced fishermen, try a fishing boat rental for the day. We also offer fishing pole and tackle rentals, and have bait and tackle for sale in our ship’s store. Contact us for more information and be sure to check back next week for our weekly Destin fishing report!