4 Ways to Get Your Florida Fishing License in Destin


May 13th, 2015

If you are planning to rent a boat, fish from the jetties or from shore while you're visiting Destin, you are going to need a fishing license. Just about the only time you can fish and NOT need a license is if you are on a registered charter fishing boat. In that case, the boat's commercial license will cover you so you will not need your own.

Here are Destin Vacation Boat Rentals, we are often asked about where to go to get a Florida fishing license in Destin. There are actually 3 different ways to go about getting your fishing license, as the state of Florida has been making it easier and easier for people to obtain them.

1. Bait & Tackle or sporting goods stores. Swing in to Walmart's sporting goods section or to Half Hitch Tackle and pick up your physical license to carry with you. Cost: $17

2. Call FWC. Dial toll-free, either 888-HUNT-FLORIDA (486-8356) or 888-FISH-FLORIDA(347-4356) from anywhere in the United States or Canada. Cost: $17 plus $4.25 + 2.5% surcharge of total sale per person convenience fee.

3. Go online. Follow this link to buy your license online. Cost: $17 plus $2.25 or $1.75 + 2.5% surcharge of total sale per person convenience fee.

4. There's an app for that. Buying a Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) license has never been easier with the new Fish-Hunt-FL application for Android, Apple and Windows smartphone devices. This interactive app gives you easy access to purchasing any recreational fishing or hunting license offered by the FWC, and you can also store a copy of your license on your phone, check out recent FWC news, look at the current sunrise/sunset time for the area, check the coastal waters forecasts and look up fishing regulations. Download the free app today by searching FWC in the App Store or Google Play.